1.____is called an autumn day in South-Africa?

2. How does Nelson Mandela define the meaning of courage?

3. . Where did ceremonies take place?

4. . South Africa is rich in –

5. Nelson Mandela was –

6. South-Africa became independent in the year-

7. ANC stands for –

8. What do depths of oppression create?

9. . Who, according to Mandela, is not free?

10. ANC won ______seats out of_______

11. Zenani was______of Nelson Mandela.

12. Why were two National Anthems sung?

13. The spectacular array of South African jets was a display of –

14. What change brought international leaders to South Africa?

15. He was surrounded by:

16. What realisations did Mandela have of his boyhood freedom?

17. Apartheid is a political system that separates people according to their ______

18. In life , every man has twin 'obligation' . what is another word for obligation ?

19. Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as -

20. How many years Nelson Mandela spent in prison ?

21. The inauguration ceremoney was attended by politicians and dignitaries of more than -

22. After how many years of white's rule , Mandela became South Africa's first Black president ?

23. The smoke trail of Impala jets symbolised -

24. The author was born with certain freedoms viz.

25. Mr. de klerk was sworn in as -

26. Greatman viz Oliver Tambos, Walter Sisulus , Chief Luthulis were produced as a result of -