1. The field was white as if covered with ____

2. "A plague of locusts who have left more than this...." what does the underlined word mean ?

3. "The postmaster , a fat , amiable fellow - also broke out laughing -" Choose from the below the word that is same in meaning as 'amiable'

4. Lencho hoped for help from ____

5. Who wrote the prose-piece "A letter to God" ?

6. WHo is the chief character in the story "A letter to God" ?

7. What is the profession of Lencho ?

8. Where is Lencho's house ?

9. Who exclaimed "Yes , God willing ".

10. Lencho cultivated _____________

11. "These aren't raindrops falling from the sky , they are new coins." Who uttered this line ?

12. What was needed by Lencho's field for a good harvest ?

13. Lencho Compared the big drops of rain with _______

14. Why did Lencho need money ?

15. "A plague of locusts who have left more than this", what is a locust ?

16. Who exclaimed "We will all go hungry this year "

17. How did Lencho work in his fields ?

18. How much money did Lencho needed in this time of crisis ?

19. How much money was the postmaster able to arrange ?

20. Why was Lencho not at all surprised to see the money in the envelope ?

21. What was the only hope left in the hearts of Lencho and his family ?

22. Why did the postmaster decide to reply to Lencho's letter ?

23. Lencho compared the quantum of damage with :

24. What does the story tell about the character of Lencho ?

25. what was the only things that the earth needed ?

26. How many sons did Lencho have ?